Car@s colegas,
Os balanços são importantes e devem ser feitos, tanto para prestação de contas como para definição de novos patamares e objetivos. Esta é a altura de fazer esse balanço e o Gabinete de Gestão de Investigação (GGI) da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Coimbra (FMUC) não deixará de fazer o seu. Quando há menos de 2 anos iniciámos funções no Gabinete, definimos 3 objetivos principais. De forma sumária, identificámos como primordiais: 1) a fixação dos colaboradores do Gabinete através de contratos de trabalho, para que haja uma profunda identificação com a Escola e com as áreas de investigação e desenvolvimento dos seus docentes e investigadores, aumentando assim a eficácia e produtividade do trabalho de todos; 2) o alargamento do número de colaboradores da FMUC que submetem candidaturas, posicionando-se o GGI como um mobilizador da captação e do acompanhamento de “novos candidatos”; 3) o aumento da capacidade da FMUC para concorrer a financiamento altamente competitivo e de montante significativo, nomeadamente no contexto do Horizonte Europa.
É com enorme satisfação que assistimos à concretização do objetivo 1, absolutamente convictos de que as profissionais de eleição em causa (Inês Costa e Sofia Rodrigues) são inteiramente merecedoras desta estabilidade profissional e de que a FMUC sai a ganhar com a sua retenção. Uma palavra para o Senhor Diretor da FMUC, para o Senhor Subdiretor para a área da investigação científica e desenvolvimento tecnológico e para a Senhora Coordenadora Executiva da FMUC, pelo papel decisivo que todos tiveram para que este desiderato se concretizasse. Relativamente ao objetivo 2, como já referimos em edições anteriores, é hoje claro que o número de colaboradores da FMUC que durante este ano concorreu a financiamento competitivo, nomeadamente a nível internacional, aumentou de forma significativa. Com efeito, o GGI deu apoio a 96 projetos durante o ano de 2021, cerca de 40% deles submetidos a Calls internacionais, sendo que o número de docentes e investigadores da FMUC neles envolvidos na qualidade de investigador responsável (53 no total) é inequivocamente superior ao que estávamos habituados. Este objetivo 2 é crucial para que a FMUC fique cada vez mais competitiva e possa rapidamente aproximar-se da concretização plena também do objetivo 3, o que reforçará a sua reputação a nível nacional e internacional. Consideramos que faz sentido que apliquemos uma lógica idêntica à que a Comissão Europeia tem usado nos últimos anos como objetivo de alguns dos seus programas – “Spreading Excellence and Widening Participation”. No caso da FMUC, julgamos que o alargamento da participação é um passo essencial para que consigamos tão cedo quando possível espalhar a excelência.
Nesta newsletter do GGI destacamos os diversos projetos submetidos com o apoio do Gabinete nos últimos 2 meses, sobretudo a Calls internacionais competitivas, números que estão em sintonia com os dados atrás referidos. De realçar a submissão de 6 candidaturas à CaixaResearch Health Call, um concurso altamente competitivo para projetos de investigação em biomedicina e saúde promovido pela Fundação La Caixa, que visa financiar iniciativas assentes na excelência científica aliadas ao potencial impacto na sociedade. Estes números reforçam as boas perspetivas para o futuro, que não podem deixar de passar por aproveitar também as oportunidades que o Horizonte Europa trará durante o próximo programa europeu de apoio à investigação, inovação e desenvolvimento. O GGI está a acompanhar as Calls, em particular as do Cluster da Saúde, e disponível para dar apoio aos docentes e investigadores da FMUC.
Fazendo votos de que o novo ano comece com renovadas expectativas pessoais e profissionais e permita superar desafios ainda mais ambiciosos, desejamos a todos os colaboradores da FMUC umas Boas Festas, com saúde e em paz!
Flávio Reis
Coordenador do GGI
8º Congresso em Envelhecimento Ativo e Saudável
Decorreu no passado dia 7 de novembro no Convento de São Francisco, em Coimbra, o 8º Congresso em Envelhecimento Ativo e Saudável, organizado pelo consórcio Ageing@Coimbra, liderado pelo investigador da FMUC João Malva. Este consórcio regional, que conta com cerca de 80 membros aderentes, granjeou o reconhecimento pela Comissão Europeia como região de referência para o Envelhecimento Ativo e Saudável. Dele fazem parte, entre outras instituições, a Universidade de Coimbra, a Comissão de Coordenação e Desenvolvimento Regional do Centro (CCDRC), a Câmara Municipal de Coimbra, a Administração Regional de Saúde do Centro, o Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de Coimbra e o Instituto Pedro Nunes. No evento, que contou com o apoio do GGI, foram entregues os Prémios de Boas Práticas em Envelhecimento Ativo e Saudável da Região Centro (4ª Edição), uma iniciativa da CCDRC em coordenação com o consórcio Ageing@Coimbra.
No passado mês de novembro e já neste mês de dezembro, o GGI apoiou a submissão dos seguintes projetos:
• Predictive Model for the Treatment of Temporomandibular Joint Osteoarthritis Based on Clinical, Radiological and Molecular Evaluation: a Pilot Study, submetido à EFIC-Grünenthal Grant, destinada a investigadores em início de carreira. Este projeto é liderado pela docente da FMUC Natália dos Reis Ferreira;
• ADPAT - ADaptive nAno Particle focus for deep brain sTimulation, submetido à Call EIC Pathfinder challenges: HORIZON-EIC-2021-PATHFINDERCHALLENGES-01. Este projeto é liderado pela Middlesex University (MUHEC), do Reino Unido, fazendo ainda parte do consórcio: University College London (UCL), do Reino Unido, Universidade de Coimbra (UC), Blekinge Tekniska Högskola (BTH), da Suécia, e Emergex Vaccines (EV), também do Reino Unido. Na UC o projeto é liderado pela investigadora da FMUC Mafalda Laranjo;
• The Hippo Kinase Ndr2, a novel player in the crosstalk between microglia and endothelial cells in wet macular degeneration, submetido à Call New Investigator Grant Program in Macular Degeneration Research da BrightFocus Foundation. Este projeto é liderado pela investigadora da FMUC Hélène Leger;
• Overcoming Osteonecrosis Of The Jaw With Photodynamic Therapy, submetido à Nakao Foundation Grants 2021. Este projeto é liderado pela investigadora da FMUC Mafalda Laranjo;
• RetINal biomarkerS for dIagnosis anD monitoring of childrEn with ADHD: a translational approach, submetido à CaixaResearch Health Call da Fundação La Caixa. Este projeto translacional na área das neurociências é liderado pelo docente da FMUC Joaquim Cerejeira;
• BURNMEDOUT: Smartphone application for resident physicians' burnout assessment and personalized intervention, submetido à CaixaResearch Health Call da Fundação La Caixa. Este projeto clínico na área das neurociências é liderado pela investigadora da FMUC Ana Telma Pereira;
• Cancer-associated cardiac metabolic reprogramming and vascular dysfunction implicated in heart damage, submetido à CaixaResearch Health Call da Fundação La Caixa. Este projeto de investigação fundamental e translacional na área das doenças cardiovasculares e doenças metabólicas associadas é liderado pelo investigador da FMUC Henrique Girão;
• Successful neuroprotective therapies to halt neurodegenerative diseases, submetido à CaixaResearch Health Call da Fundação La Caixa. Este projeto translacional na área das neurociências é liderado pela Universidade de Múrcia e na UC pelo investigador da FMUC Francisco Ambrósio;
• Leaping forward in breast cancer therapy via bioengineered stem cell trojans, submetido à CaixaResearch Health Call da Fundação La Caixa. Este projeto de investigação fundamental na área da oncobiologia é liderado pela Universidade de Aveiro e na UC pela investigadora da FMUC Mafalda Laranjo;
• MagTheps - Magnetic nanoparticles for theranostic in aggressive forms of breast cancer – an innovative and sustainable approach, submetido à CaixaResearch Health Call da Fundação La Caixa. Este projeto de investigação fundamental na área da oncobiologia é liderado pela Universidade de Aveiro e na UC pela docente da FMUC Maria Filomena Botelho.
O GGI continua ativamente a apoiar candidaturas a submeter às Calls do programa de financiamento europeu para a investigação e inovação – Horizonte Europa. Os colaboradores da FMUC podem contar com apoio do Gabinete na identificação de tópicos relevantes para os seus interesses científicos, na organização do consórcio, na pesquisa e contacto de parceiros internacionais e na construção ou revisão de algumas das seções da candidatura. O próximo prazo limite para as Calls do Cluster da Saúde é já a 1 de fevereiro de 2022.
These grants are being delivered in partnership with commercial oncology company Novocure as part of a joint effort to promote and support innovative research focused on Tumor Treating Fields (TTFields) – intermediate frequency, low intensity, alternating electric fields that disrupt cell division in cancer cells. They intend to provide a deeper understanding of the mechanisms of action of this novel anti-cancer treatment modality and to accelerate the development of novel treatment strategies to advance therapeutic options for cancer. The research proposed may be basic or translational in nature, and proposals focusing on the following are strongly encouraged:
- Translational approaches, promoting the transition of in vitro work into in vivo systems;
- Combination therapies involving TTFields;
- Bringing treatments involving TTFields to the clinic.
Applications are invited from researchers affiliated with departments of institutions that do not hold an active AACR-Novocure grant at the time of application deadline. Each grant provides $225,000 over three years for expenses related to the research project.
Further information available at:
The NPF More than Skin Deep: Mental Health Grant funding instrument supports researchers interested in conducting projects focused on mental health in psoriatic disease. The goal is to support this area of unmet need in the psoriatic disease community by funding research focused on, but not limited to, investigation of psoriatic disease on mental health, as well as interventions for addressing this comorbidity, inflammatory processes, stigma, psychosocial impact of psoriasis, barriers to care, financial burden of chronic disease, or other related areas. The grant amounts to up to $100,000 per year for one year (direct costs only).
Further information available at:
The NPF Translational Research Grants funding instrument focusses on helping scientific discoveries from clinical, laboratory or population-based studies move rapidly into treatments that have a clear benefit for patients with psoriatic disease. Applications related to all aspects of psoriatic disease are strongly encouraged, including basic science, translational research, technology, epidemiology, health services, and clinical research. Prospective applicants are encouraged to review recent publications and reports identifying research gaps and priorities in psoriatic disease research. The grant amounts to up to $100,000 per year for two years (direct costs only).
Further information available at:
The following Action Grants will be available:
• Action grants boosting cancer prevention through the use of the European Code against Cancer and other concerted actions
• Action grants to organize and collect data to understand the safety, quality and efficacy of therapies applied in the field of assisted reproduction and based on haematopoietic stem cells
• Action grants to support the implementation of best practices in community-based services for the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), tuberculosis, viral hepatitis and sexually transmitted infections
• Action grants supporting training activities, implementation, and best practices
• Action grants for ‘Cancer Diagnostic and Treatment for All’ including ‘Genomic for Public Health’
• Action grants for the Computer-aided Drug Repurposing for Cancer Therapy Project
• Action grants to reduce liver and gastric cancers caused by infections
• Action grants for developing a pilot project for an EU infrastructure ecosystem for the secondary use of health data for research, policy-making and regulatory purposes
• Action grants to support implementation of best practices on the ground with direct impact on the effort to tackle mental health challenges during COVID-19
• Action grants to support actions to improve access to human papillomavirus vaccination
• Action grants for the initiative ‘HealthyLifestyle4All’: promotion of healthy lifestyles
• Action grants for ‘EU Cancer Treatment Capacity and Capability Mapping’ project - Network of Comprehensive Cancer Centres
• Action grants to create a ‘Cancer Survivor Smart Card’.
Further information available at:
Develop novel concepts in immunoglobulin research in the field of neurology, encourage the discovery of beneficial immunoglobulin applications for neurologic disorders and promote research of novel therapeutic options for patients with neurologic conditions. The award offers €50,000 to one applicant to support a 12-month project.
Further information available at:
The research must be in the field of pancreatic diseases. Studies intended to advance knowledge in the areas of pancreatic carcinoma, and all forms of pancreatitis would be the closest to the areas of interest of the NPF. Applicants must be employed by an institution engaged in health-related research. They must hold an advanced degree (MD, DO, PhD or international equivalent) and be early-stage faculty within 5 years of their first faculty or staff appointment. Postdoctoral fellows may apply if they will hold a faculty position at the time the grant starts.
The maximum grant is $50,000 for one year.
Further information available at:
The following Calls will be available:
• HORIZON-HLTH-2022-STAYHLTH-01-01-two-stage: Boosting mental health in Europe in times of change
• HORIZON-HLTH-2022-STAYHLTH-01-04-two-stage: Trustworthy artificial intelligence (AI) tools to predict the risk of chronic non-communicable diseases and/or their progression
• HORIZON-HLTH-2022-STAYHLTH-01-05-two-stage: Prevention of obesity throughout the life course
• HORIZON-HLTH-2022-DISEASE-06-02-two-stage: Pre-clinical development of the next generation of immunotherapies for diseases or disorders with unmet medical needs
• HORIZON-HLTH-2022-DISEASE-06-03-two-stage: Vaccines 2.0 - developing the next generation of vaccines
• HORIZON-HLTH-2022-DISEASE-06-04-two-stage: Development of new effective therapies for rare diseases
• HORIZON-HLTH-2022-TOOL-12-01-two-stage: Computational models for new patient stratification strategies
Further information available at:
The following Calls will be available:
• HORIZON-CL6-2022-FARM2FORK-01-07 - Fair, healthy and environmentally-friendly food systems from primary production to consumption
• HORIZON-CL6-2022-FARM2FORK-01-09: Microbiomes in food production systems
• HORIZON-CL6-2022-FARM2FORK-01-10: Integrated surveillance system to prevent and reduce diet-related Non Communicable Diseases (NCDs)
Further information available at:
Applicants are invited to apply from all fields in neuroscience. NYSCF is committed to supporting a broad range of neuroscience research areas representative of the field, taking into account the immense progress and changes in the field in the last decade. To that end, NYSCF especially encourages applications from neuroscientists whose research areas may be under-supported by traditional funding mechanisms and/or underrepresented in the field as a whole.
This career development award provides up to $1.5 million in flexible funding over 5 years
Further information available at:
Grants are offered for basic and clinical mechanistic studies understanding and improving insulin delivery and action. Grants are offered for basic, clinical-experimental studies, specifically with translation concepts aiming at exploiting existing technology as well as identifying innovative approaches for insulin delivery systems and monitoring insulin therapy. The maximum grant is €100,000 per project.
Further information available at:
Identify and support innovative clinical and scientific research focused on gaining greater insight into the biologic roles of Alpha-1-Antitrypsin (AATD). Eligible candidates are early career clinicians and scientists under 40 at the time of application who are new to the field, as well as those who are already studying AATD. The award offers two annual grants of €50,000 each (one for clinical research and one for basic research to support a 12-month project.
Further information available at:
FCT has announced the 2022 call and similar as last year there will be two categories:
Scientific Research and technological development projects – either individual or in consortium they should focus in relevant and innovative scientific questions which contribute in a significant way for the advance of scientific knowledge. Imply scientific production throughout the project. Maximum duration – 36 months with a budget up to 250 000€.
Exploratory projects (PeX) – for projects focusing on scientific or technological research exploring novel/original ideas or concepts with innovation potential. Eligible only for individual applications, projects must have a maximum duration of 18 months with a budget up to 50 000€.
Please bear in mind that if you had an overall rate lower than 5 you cannot apply this year. We strongly advise the careful analysis of the opening notice for this call.
Further information available at:
Martín Villar Haemostasis Awards: Eligible candidates are scientists and clinicians up to 40 years of age with an innovative idea relevant to haemophilia and von Willebrand disease pathologies or management with plasma-derived protein therapies. The award offers €50,000 to one applicant (clinical research or basic research) to support a 12 month project.
Further information available at:
This programme aims to encourage new projects aimed at advancing current knowledge in the field of diabetes associated with cardiovascular disease. Grants are offered for basic and clinical studies. Translational studies are especially welcome.
The maximum grant is €100,000 per project.
Further information available at:
Excellence hubs are an initiative to strengthen regional innovation excellence in placed based innovation ecosystems where companies, research institutions, governmental bodies and societal actors are mutually reinforcing each other in a territorial context and together raise the level of innovation excellence in their regional fabric. Consortia must include at least two different place based R&I ecosystems in at least two different countries eligible to host the coordinator under the widening part of Horizon Europe. Each ecosystem needs to include four different categories of actors i.e. a) academic institutions b) business entities c) public authorities or authorized agencies and d) societal actors.
Further information available here.
ERA Chairs projects bring outstanding academics, with proven research excellence and management skills, to universities and research institutions in Widening countries with potential for research excellence. They aim to attract and maintain high quality human resources under the direction of an outstanding researcher (the 'ERA Chair holder') while at the same time implementing structural changes necessary to achieve excellence on a sustainable basis.
Further information available here.
The ERC Consolidator Grants are designed to support excellent Principal Investigators at the career stage at which they may still be consolidating their own independent research team or programme. Principal Investigators must demonstrate the ground-breaking nature, ambition and feasibility of their scientific proposal.
Consolidator Grants may be awarded up to a maximum of €2.000.000 for a period of 5 years.
Further information available here.
Identify and support innovative clinical research projects focused on gaining a greater insight into primary and secondary immunodeficiency diseases. The programme provides financial support to young scientists and clinicians who wish to undertake a research project that seeks to improve immunodeficiency awareness, diagnosis and immunoglobulin therapy. The applicant must be under the age of 45 at the time of letter of intent submission. The award offers one annual grant of €50,000 to support a 24 month project.
Further information available at:
The following Calls will be available:
• HORIZON-HLTH-2022-STAYHLTH-02-01: Personalised blueprint of chronic inflammation in health-to-disease transition
• HORIZON-HLTH-2022-ENVHLTH-04-01: Methods for assessing health-related costs of environmental stressors
• HORIZON-HLTH-2022-DISEASE-07-03: Non-communicable diseases risk reduction in adolescence and youth (Global Alliance for Chronic Diseases - GACD)
• HORIZON-HLTH-2022-DISEASE-07-02: Pandemic preparedness
• HORIZON-HLTH-2022-DISEASE-07-01: Support for the functioning of the Global Research Collaboration for Infectious Disease Preparedness (GloPID-R)
• HORIZON-HLTH-2022-CARE-08-04: Better financing models for health systems
• HORIZON-HLTH-2022-TOOL-11-01: Optimising effectiveness in patients of existing prescription drugs for major diseases (except cancer) with the use of biomarkers
• HORIZON-HLTH-2022-TOOL-11-02: New methods for the effective use of real-world data and/or synthetic data in regulatory decision-making and/or in health technology assessment
• HORIZON-HLTH-2022-IND-13-01: Enhancing cybersecurity of connected medical devices
• HORIZON-HLTH-2022-IND-13-02: Scaling up multi-party computation, data anonymisation techniques, and synthetic data generation
• HORIZON-HLTH-2022-IND-13-03: New pricing and payment models for cost-effective and affordable health innovations.
Further information available at:
Antithrombin Research Awards (GATRA): Identify and support research projects on current and new uses of Antithrombin as a therapeutic product and to establish new and long-lasting cooperation with participating scientists and clinicians, to strengthen and increase the existing network between researchers and the company and to foster relationships with KOLs in different fields. The award offers one annual grant of €50,000 to support a 12 month project.
Further information available at:
Albumin Awards Program (ALBUS): Recognize research that broadens the knowledge base of albumin's role as a therapeutic product. Proposals may include, but are not limited to: efficacy, mechanism of action, safety and tolerability, quality of life and pharmacoeconomics. The award offers two annual grants of €50,000 each to support a 12 month project.
Further information available at: