Gabinete de Gestão de Investigação

Caros colegas,

Este início de ano não foi o que todos desejaríamos, pelas razões (e números) que sobejamente conhecemos, o que acentua a convicção de que vamos continuar a ter pela frente períodos difíceis, para os quais a nossa determinação individual e coletiva serão fundamentais. Este pressuposto aplica-se inequivocamente à investigação científica, cuja competitividade vai progressivamente aumentando. Neste contexto, é fundamental continuar a ter boas ideias e porfiar na procura de financiamento.

Vai decorrer até 10 de março o concurso promovido pela FCT para projetos de IC&DT em todos os domínios científicos. Uma vez mais, o GGI posiciona-se como elemento facilitador para as candidaturas dos colaboradores da FMUC. Faremos seminários dedicados a explorar o formulário e as diferentes tipologias de projetos, bem como para esclarecimento de dúvidas sobre as novas regras e particularidades deste concurso. Esta é mais uma oportunidade, mas não deve ser a única aposta, nem tão pouco a principal. Todos estamos bem cientes que o financiamento nacional é reduzido e precisamos de juntar os nossos esforços, formando equipas e projetos mais robustos. Só assim conseguiremos concorrer com maior frequência, e sobretudo com mais qualidade, a nível internacional, onde a competitividade é muito elevada, mas os montantes envolvidos são também substancialmente superiores e as oportunidades bem mais diversificadas. A este respeito, começámos bem o ano, tendo o GGI prestado apoio a nove expressões de interesse para a Call do EIT Health para o Business Plan 2022. É um sinal de vivacidade e tenacidade que nos deve animar e inspirar.

Reservo para o fim o melhor, expressando a enorme satisfação de termos começado o ano com excelentes notícias sobre os recursos humanos do Gabinete. Com efeito, vimos consumada a contratação de uma das nossas colaboradoras e estamos convictos de que o outro processo está igualmente bem encaminhado. Desde sempre dissemos que um dos maiores desafios, e objetivos, do GGI no curto/médio prazo seria o da fixação de uma equipa estável de colaboradores. Estamos hoje mais próximos dessa pretensão, que muito beneficiará o trabalho do Gabinete, a capacidade dos docentes e investigadores da FMUC para concorrer a financiamento e, em última estância, a competitividade da nossa Escola.

Votos de um Novo Ano com saúde e repleto de novos desafios e sucessos pessoais e profissionais!


Flávio Reis
Coordenador do GGI 


Sessões destinadas ao auxílio na identificação de oportunidades de financiamento

Arrancaram no início deste ano as sessões dinamizadas pelo GGI para promover junto dos docentes e investigadores da FMUC as plataformas de procura de oportunidades de financiamento – Research Connect e Impacter. Esta iniciativa diferenciadora, que tem sido muito procurada e bem acolhida, visa não só estabelecer um contacto de proximidade com os colaboradores da FMUC, mas sobretudo desafiá-los a explorar estas plataformas de modo a construírem o seu próprio calendário de oportunidades de financiamento em função dos objetivos científicos.  

Expressões de interesse para a Call do EIT Health para o Business Plan 2022

O GGI apoiou a submissão de nove Expressões de Interesse para a Call do EIT Health para o Business Plan (BP) 2022. Nesta primeira fase foram submetidas 5 candidaturas ao pilar de Inovação e 4 ao pilar de Educação, das quais 3 são coordenadas por docentes/investigadores da FMUC. O prazo para a submissão da proposta final termina a 24 de março. Nos dias 2 a 5 de fevereiro irá decorrer o segundo Matchmaking event para o BP 2022, com o objetivo de consolidar parcerias, ou estabelecer novas, para os projetos que se encontram em preparação.


Deadline for submission of an Expression of Interest: 1st February

Hereditary Disease Foundation | 
The Basic Research Grants Program

The Hereditary Disease Foundation provides funding for research that advances the discovery and development of treatments for Huntington’s disease and other brain disorders. We are passionate about finding and funding the most innovative, creative and paradigm-changing research possible.
The Foundation’s current focus is on 1) modifier studies - on DNA repair pathways, protein degradation and other modifiers of phenotype and age of onset; 2) mechanisms of HD neurodegeneration; 3) biomarkers of disease progression; and 4) therapy for HD-induced neurodegeneration.
Supports projects contributing to identifying and understanding the fundamental defects in Huntington’s disease. Grants are up to $75,000 for one year for salary, supplies, equipment and benefits.

Further information available at: 

Deadline for submission of a Letter of Intent: 5th February

Alzheimer's Drug Discovery Foundation | 
Four Core Funding Programs 

The ADDF provides funding to academic centers and biotechs from around the world that are advancing therapeutic and biomarker development for Alzheimer's and related dementias. The funding is dedicated to several key areas:
• Translational research to develop new drugs and build preclinical evidence
• IND-enabling studies and early-stage clinical trials for novel and repurposed drugs
• Development and validation of plasma, CSF, neuroimaging and digital biomarkers
• Epidemiological studies and comparative effectiveness research
The Four Core Funding Programs are:
• Drug Development RFP
• Program to Accelerate Clinical Trials (PACT) RFP
• Neuroimaging and CSF Biomarker Development RFP
• Prevention Pipeline RFP.

Further information available at:  

Deadline for submission of a Letter of Intent: 5th February

Alzheimer's Drug Discovery Foundation and Association for Frontotemporal Degeneration (FTD) | 
The Treat Ftd Fund

The Treat FTD fund aims to support programs testing drugs or devices for FTD disorders while building clinical data around novel FTD mechanisms in human disease and corresponding biomarker endpoints in response to treatment.
Up to $2,000,000 based on stage and scope of the trial.

Further information available at: 

Deadline: 26th February 

Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) | 
Individual Call to Scientific Employment Stimulus - 4th Edition

The Individual Call is aimed at PhD holders of any nationality or stateless with a background in any scientific area who wish to develop their scientific research or technological development activity in Portugal.
The following reference levels are considered:
a. Junior Researcher: PhD holders for 5 or less years, with limited experience in post-doctoral research or without a scientific curriculum after their PhDs in the scientific area to which they are applying.
b. Assistant Researcher: PhD holders for over 5 years, with a relevant curriculum in the scientific area to which they are applying, but with limited scientific independence.
c. Principal Researcher: PhD holders for over 5 years, with a relevant curriculum in the scientific area to which they are applying, demonstrating scientific independence over the past 3 years.
d. Coordinating Researcher: PhD holders for over 5 years, holding the title of habilitado or agregado in Portugal, with a curriculum of elevated merit in the scientific area to which they are applying, showing scientific independence and with evidence of leadership in the scientific area to which they are applying.

Further information available at: 

Deadline: 27th February

International Team for Implantology (ITI) | 
ITI Research Grant programme

The ITI Research Grant programme supports preclinical and clinical research in implant dentistry and related fields. Two types of grant are available:
• Small Grant (SG): this grant is primarily intended for research proposals submitted by newer investigators who have been working within established groups and wish to expand their scope and level of responsibility or want to establish a track record in implant dentistry. This may be by pursuing their own research interests or by building up their own research group.
• Large Grant (LG): this grant type will be awarded only to experienced researchers or research groups that have established a reputation for credibility and thoroughness in the field as demonstrated by a continuous publication record in internationally recognized, peer-reviewed journals.
The maximum grant is CHF 50,000 (Small Grant) or CHF 200,000 (Large Grant).

Further information available at: 

Deadline: 28th February 

Ehlers-Danlos Society | 
Ehlers-Danlos Society Basic Science Research Grants

The Ehlers-Danlos Society Basic Science Research Major Grants cover all research topics aiming to improve understanding of pathophysiological mechanisms underlying EDS and HSD.
Two types of Grants are available:
Major Grants - Project may include: i) Gene and mutation discovery; ii) Basic and translational research using different animal and cellular models, iii) Genomic, transcriptomic, proteomic and metabolic studies.
All areas of the basic sciences applicable to the Society's research priorities that have the potential to be translational in informing better care for people with EDS or HSD will be considered.
Grants ranging from $50,000 to $150,000 from a total fund of $400,000 are available. Grants aim to support studies likely to require one to three years to complete. The costs for researchers and study equipment can be covered.
Micro Grants - The Ehlers-Danlos Society Microgrants are given to assist researchers undertaking small studies in the areas of EDS and HSD. This could include hypothesis testing, surveys, or collation and analysis of existing data. Grants of up to $5,000 are available.
Eligibility Criteria - Funding is given to organisations and institutions (including universities, hospitals and other research bodies) in any country.

Further information available at: 

Deadline: 8th March

Psychiatry Consortium | 
Third call for proposals

The Psychiatry Consortium is seeking project proposals which focus on the validation of novel molecular drug-targets for mental health conditions, in particular: psychotic disorders, affective disorders, cognitive disorders and psychiatric symptoms associated with dementia.
The Psychiatry Consortium intend to fund projects which:
• Are supported by robust evidence that links the molecular target to human disease, which can be further developed or validated,
• Provide a sound therapeutic hypothesis of how target modulation may have a therapeutic effect,
• Will enable tools for target validation e.g. through optimization of existing tool compounds to improve selectivity, potency, bioavailability
Projects seeking to identify target modulation biomarkers relevant to disease will also be in scope.

Further information available at: 

10th March

Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) | 
Projetos de IC&DT em todos os domínios científicos

In this call there are two types of grants:
• Scientific Research and technological development projects – either individual or in consortium they should focus in relevant and innovative scientific questions which contribute in a significant way for the advance of scientific knowledge. Imply scientific production throughout the project. Maximum duration – 36 months with a budget up to 250.000€.
• Exploratory projects (PeX) – for projects focusing on scientific or technological research exploring novel/original ideas or concepts with innovation potential. Eligible only for individual applications, projects must have a maximum duration of 18 months with a budget up to 50.000€.
There are several alterations in this call regarding the eligibility of the PI and Co-PI so we strongly advise the careful analysis of the opening notice for this call.

Further information available at:

19st March

Cystic Fibrosis Foundation (CFF) | 
CFF Clinical Research Award & CFF Clinical Pilot and Feasibility Award

CFF Clinical Research Award: The objective of the CFF Clinical Research Award is to provide support for investigator-initiated clinical research projects that have the potential to make an important contribution to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation's mission. Research projects may address diagnosis, treatment, management of the disease or symptoms, or the pathophysiology of cystic fibrosis, using clinical, translational, or epidemiologic study approaches.
CFF Clinical Pilot and Feasibility Award: The objective of the CFF Clinical Pilot and Feasibility Award is to enable investigators to collect sufficient preliminary data to determine the best strategies and methods for approaching a major question that ultimately will require assessment through a larger scale research and/or multi-centre, collaborative clinical trial.

Further information available at: 

Accepts applications on a rolling basis/next cut-off for applications: March

La Caixa Foundation | 
Caixa Impulse Consolidate 

Projects must be related to the areas of Life, Medical and Health Sciences and must be mature in their Technology Readiness Level, having performed significant valorization activities and a defined Commercialization Strategy. Must have proven experience in other Acceleration Programs. Beneficiaries must be non-profit legal entities based in Spain or Portugal: universities, university foundations, research and transfer centres, technology centres, hospitals, hospital foundations and non-profit institutions whose main activity is research.
Project leaders must be legal persons with tertiary qualifications (university graduate, professor or doctor). Project Leader may not be involved in more than one application.

Further information available at: 

Deadline for submission of an Expression
of interest: 22nd April

Cancer Research UK and National Cancer Institute in the US | 
Cancer Research UK Grand Challenge Awards

This international scheme aims to catalyse a revolution in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cancer, with awards of up to £20m available for innovative, game-changing research aligned with nine Grand Challenges.
Funding is available to interdisciplinary teams with novel, exciting ways of solving one of the Grand Challenges, which together encompass some of the most important unanswered questions in cancer research. For the current call, the following nine topics of interest are:
Challenge 1: Cachexia and performance status
Challenge 2: Dormancy
Challenge 3: E-cigarettes
Challenge 4: Extrachromosomal DNA
Challenge 5: Inflammation
Challenge 6: Macromolecules
Challenge 7: Normal Phenotypes
Challenge 8: Senescence
Challenge 9: Solid tumours in children.

Further information available at: 

Deadline: 31st May

BIAL Foundation and Portuguese Medical Association |  
Maria de Sousa Award

This award (up to €25.000) aims to reward and support young Portuguese scientific researchers, up to 35 years old, for Health Sciences topic research projects. An internship at an international center of excellence is included.

Further information available at: