Gabinete de Gestão de Investigação

Caros colegas,

A comunidade científica nacional conheceu no passado dia 6 de novembro de 2020 os resultados do concurso promovido pela FCT para projetos de investigação científica e desenvolvimento tecnológico (IC&DT) em todos os domínios científicos. Apenas um projeto da FMUC foi aprovado para financiamento, de entre as quase seis dezenas de candidaturas submetidas. Em termos nacionais, o panorama geral foi igualmente “desolador”, com pouco mais de 5% dos projetos candidatos a receberem aprovação para financiamento, uma percentagem bastante inferior aos valores das últimas Calls, e que deixa os investigadores e os centros de investigação em dificuldades acrescidas para enfrentar os próximos tempos. Este cenário, que era de certa forma previsível face ao contexto que atravessamos, reforça em todos nós a necessidade de apostar cada vez mais em fontes alternativas de financiamento, nomeadamente a nível internacional.

O levantamento de informação que o GGI fez para apoio à candidatura ao estatuto de Laboratório Associado do consórcio CIBB permitiu revelar as fontes de financiamento competitivo captado pelo iCBR/FMUC entre 2015 e 2020. Como a figura abaixo mostra com clareza, apesar de termos conseguido financiamento importante de outras fontes, continuamos a ter uma dependência grande da FCT (36%), o que nos deixa em situação mais frágil quando as percentagens de aprovação da FCT descem, como aconteceu na última Call.

Não menosprezando outras fontes igualmente muito relevantes, nas quais devemos apostar cada vez mais (como o Horizonte Europa, para o qual o GGI se tem preparado com o objetivo de apoiar a comunidade FMUC), destacamos novamente a oportunidade privilegiada que o EIT Health constitui para os docentes e investigadores que integram uma Escola Médica como a nossa. Nesta edição voltamos a dar visibilidade a eventos relativos ao EIT Health, como forma de dar novo alento aos que já têm estado envolvidos e de inspirar todos os que ainda não tiveram a oportunidade de se “aventurar” nesta comunidade de conhecimento e inovação (KIC) para a Saúde.
Votos de um mês com renovada inspiração e ânimo!


Flávio Reis
Coordenador do GGI 


EIT Health Business Plan 2021 -
Última fase de avaliação (“Hearings”)

Decorreu entre os dias 19 e 30 de outubro a última fase de avaliação dos projetos EIT Health referentes ao Business Plan 2021. Para esta segunda fase de avaliação, que consiste numa apresentação oral do projeto em formato pitch, seguido de perguntas colocadas pelos avaliadores presentes, foram selecionados 4 dos 10 projetos apoiados pelo GGI. Estivemos envolvidos na preparação para os “hearings” dos projetos Health4ALL (projeto coordenado pela UC, liderado por Henrique Girão), SmashMedicine e CALMA 3D (liderados na UC por Carlos Robalo Cordeiro). Os resultados finais desta Call serão conhecidos a 30 de novembro.

Candidatura do consórcio CIBB
a Laboratório Associado 

O consórcio CIBB (Center for Innovative Biomedicine and Biotechnology), no qual o iCBR (Coimbra Institute for Clinical and Biomedical Research) se integra, candidatou-se ao estatuto de Laboratório Associado no concurso promovido pela FCT que terminou no passado dia 29 de outubro. Esta candidatura contou com o apoio do GGI no levantamento de informação relativa à equipa do iCBR a integrar a candidatura e o financiamento captado entre 2015 e 2020, bem como na edição da própria proposta. De acordo com o Decreto-Lei nº 63/2019, um Laboratório Associado é uma instituição de I&D ou um consórcio entre instituições de I&D que se estabelece para a prossecução de determinados objetivos de política científica e tecnologia nacional. Consequentemente, os Laboratórios Associados são formalmente consultados pelo governo e pela administração pública sobre a definição dos programas e instrumentos da política científica e tecnológica nacional. Para além disto, devem ter como objetivo principal reunir a massa crítica necessária à sua missão, garantindo o desenvolvimento e a promoção de carreiras científicas ou técnicas próprias através de contratos de trabalho por tempo indeterminado. 

Resultados do Concurso da FCT para projetos de IC&DT em todos os domínios científicos

No passado dia 6 de novembro de 2020 a FCT divulgou os resultados da avaliação das candidaturas submetidas ao concurso para projetos de IC&DT em todos os domínios científicos. No âmbito específico deste concurso o GGI apoiou 58 candidaturas. No universo FMUC apenas 1 projeto foi aprovado para financiamento, liderado pela Investigadora Célia Gomes. O panorama geral nacional foi igualmente “desolador”, com pouco mais de 5% dos projetos a receberem aprovação para financiamento.


com doentes no âmbito
do projeto CALMA
financiado pelo EIT Health


Decorreu no dia 11 de novembro, o primeiro workshop com doentes com doença pulmonar obstrutiva crónica, organizado no âmbito do projeto “CALMA - Training and support to calm and raise awareness of dyspnea crisis”, financiado pelo EIT Health. No workshop, que decorreu online e contou com a participação de 4 doentes e 1 cuidador, foram abordados conceitos básicos relacionados com a doença. Houve também espaço para partilha de experiências e esclarecimento de dúvidas. O segundo workshop, que decorrerá nos mesmos moldes, será realizado no dia 25 de novembro. 

Nova Call EIT Health para
o Business Plan 2022

Matchmaking event

Foi lançada a nova Call do EIT Health para projetos com início de atividade em janeiro de 2022. O Business Plan 2022 contém diferenças significativas relativamente às Calls anteriores. Nos dias 17 a 20 de novembro decorreu o primeiro evento de matchmaking para procura de parceiros para constituição de consórcios. Para mais informações sobre esta Call consulte abaixo a secção “Oportunidades de financiamento”. 


Deadline for pre-application:
15th December 2020

US Department of Defense - Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP) | 
Prostate Cancer Research Program (PCRP) | 

The aim of the Prostate Cancer Research Program (PCRP) is to support research that will lead to the elimination of death from prostate cancer and enhance the well-being of Service members, Veterans, and all men experiencing the impact of the disease. The CDMRP PCRP Physician Research Award supports a mentored research experience to prepare physicians with clinical duties and/or responsibilities for productive careers in prostate cancer research.
All organizations, including international organizations, are eligible to apply. At the time of application submission, the Principal Investigator (PI) must be either: In the last year of an accredited graduate medical education programme, either as a resident or fellow or Within five years of having initiated a faculty appointment (including Instructor positions).
All applications for PCRP funding are required to address one or more of the PCRP Overarching

• Develop treatments that improve outcomes for men with lethal prostate cancer.
• Improve the quality of life for survivors of prostate cancer.
• Reduce lethal prostate cancer in people of African descent, Veterans, and high-risk and underserved populations.
• Define the biology of lethal prostate cancer to reduce death: applications must be directly relevant to lethal prostate cancer. Applications should not focus on topics such as differentiation between low risk and intermediate risk prostate cancer.
The maximum funding is $750,000 for direct costs (plus indirect costs). The maximum duration is four years.

Further information available at: 

17th December 2020

PFIZER and International Society of Amyloidosis | 
Fellowship Competitive Grant Program

The mission of the International Society of Amyloidosis (ISA) is to promote research, education, clinical studies (including diagnosis and treatment), conferences and symposia on all aspects of amyloidosis worldwide. The mission of Pfizer Global Medical Grants is to accelerate the translation of science into quality patient care through independent grants, partnerships, and collaborations.
The aim is to support institutions with fellowship programs for cardiologists that have a strong focus on clinical practice, research, and education to further the understanding of Cardiac Transthyretin Amyloid (ATTR).
There is funding to support 5 fellowships: 1 North America, 1 Latin America, 1 European Union, 1 Africa/Middle East and 1 Asia Pacific. Grant funding is available to support one fellow for a year at up to $125,000.

Further information available at: 

29th December 2020

Portugal 2020 Compete | 
Projetos de I&DT em Copromoção – Territórios do interior

Este concurso visa combater a forte assimetria registada entre os Territórios do Interior e as outras Regiões no que diz respeito ao investimento em I&D e à cooperação interempresarial. Deste modo pretende-se a retoma e o reforço do investimento público e privado na inovação, de forma a potencializar a economia portuguesa, através de um impulso nas políticas públicas orientadas para a valorização do interior.
Podem-se candidatar a este concurso empresas de qualquer natureza e também entidades não empresariais do Sistema de I&I, estando aqui incluídos os Centros de Interface (CIT) e os Laboratórios Colaborativos (CoLAB).

Further information available at:  

31st December 2020

European Pain Federation (EFIC) | 
EFIC-Grünenthal Grant (EGG) 

The European Pain Federation (EFIC) Grünenthal Grant (EGG) is administered by EFIC and funded by the pharmaceutical company Grünenthal GmbH. The research grants are intended to support early-career scientists, particularly those at a stage in their career when it is difficult to secure research funding, to undertake innovative clinical and human experimental pain research projects and translate the results into practice.
Eligible applicants must meet the following criteria: - They are studying or working at a hospital, university or other institution of any member country of the European Pain Federation; - They have in a position at a recognized hospital, university or other institution; - They are MD or allied health professionals at PhD or higher level; - They are not older than 40 years.
The maximum grant is €40,000 per project for a duration of up to two years. Research proposals involving animals, computer simulations, cell lines etc. will not be considered.

Further information available at: 

31st December 2020

Foundation Air Liquide | 
Research Grant

The Air Liquide Foundation supports fundamental research projects on the topics of respiratory disease or air quality. Projects should last from one to three years. The goal of the projects should be the publication of results, studies or models. More specifically, projects should focus on the following:
i) Respiratory diseases:
• Understanding or describing the impact of atmospheric pollutants on health.
• Exploring new therapeutic approaches in the treatment of chronic or rare diseases.
• Collecting data to better identify risks and develop prevention policies.
ii) Air quality:
• Advancing the state of the art in atmospheric chemistry.
• Developing and analyzing databases to determine the anthropogenic nature of climate change
Funding from €50,000 up to €300,000 is available over a 1- to 3-year period.

Further information available at: 

Deadline for submission of an Expression
of Interest:  13th January 2021

EIT Health - European Institute of Innovation and Technology | 
Business Plan 2022

The Business Plan 2022 (BP 2022) is organized in three main types of projects:
i) – Education:
• Co-Create! programmes: design, create, and deliver innovative, impactful, and high-quality education interventions that educate and equip the healthcare workforce, entrepreneurs, citizens, patients, and talents across Europe to tackle public health challenges;
• Degree programmes: develop and support pan-European master’s and doctoral programmes that deliver innovation and entrepreneurship skills to students.
ii) – Innovation:
• Partner-driven projects: develop products and/or services that will generate revenues and costs savings when introduced in the market;
• High Value Care projects (HVC projects) focus on transformations in healthcare systems and organisations, seeking to improve health outcomes with no technology development;
• Start-up-driven projects.
iii) – Business Creation.

Centered in the following six thematic Focus Areas where innovation is needed:
1. Towards Health Continuum Care Pathways
2. Bringing Care Home
3. Creating the Enabling Environment for Healthcare Transformation
4. Workplace to the Health Place
5. Harnessing the Power of Real‐World Data
6. Fostering Healthy Lives by Introducing Behavioral Change

Further information available at: 

31st January 2021

The European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI) | 

The objective of PhARF is to encourage progress in allergy research by means of an international Award. Every year a young investigator (maximum 45 years), who has made outstanding contributions to the field of allergy is recognize by this Award. The candidate’s accomplished and planned research should be of high quality and in the forefront. The planned research should have contributed and will contribute to a better understanding of allergic inflammation as well as improved diagnostic procedures and treatment, enabling more optimal patient management. The level of independency of the candidate’s research will also be taken into consideration.

Further information available at: 

27th February 2021

International Team for Implantology (ITI) |
ITI Research Grant programme

The ITI Research Grant programme supports preclinical and clinical research in implant dentistry and related fields. Two types of grant are available:
• Small Grant (SG): this grant is primarily intended for research proposals submitted by newer investigators who have been working within established groups and wish to expand their scope and level of responsibility or want to establish a track record in implant dentistry. This may be by pursuing their own research interests or by building up their own research group.
• Large Grant (LG): this grant type will be awarded only to experienced researchers or research groups that have established a reputation for credibility and thoroughness in the field as demonstrated by a continuous publication record in internationally recognized, peer-reviewed journals.
The maximum grant is CHF 50,000 (Small Grant) or CHF 200,000 (Large Grant).

Further information available at:

8th March 2021

Psychiatry Consortium |
Third call for proposals

The Psychiatry Consortium is seeking project proposals which focus on the validation of novel molecular drug-targets for mental health conditions, in particular: psychotic disorders, affective disorders, cognitive disorders and psychiatric symptoms associated with dementia.
The Psychiatry Consortium intend to fund projects which:

• are supported by robust evidence that links the molecular target to human disease, which can be further developed or validated,
• provide a sound therapeutic hypothesis of how target modulation may have a therapeutic effect,
• will enable tools for target validation e.g. through optimization of existing tool compounds to improve selectivity, potency, bioavailability
Projects seeking to identify target modulation biomarkers relevant to disease will also be in scope.

Further information available at:

Aberto em permanência

MOSS - Mozilla Open Source Support |
COVID-19 Solutions Fund |

Mozilla has created the COVID-19 Solutions Fund as part of the Mozilla Open Source Support Program (MOSS). Through this fund, they will award up to $50,000 to open source technology projects which are responding to the COVID-19 pandemic in some way. Therefore, applications focusing on hardware (e.g., an open source ventilator), software (e.g., a platform that connects hospitals with people who have 3D printers who can print parts for that open source ventilator), as well as software that solves for secondary effects of COVID-19 (e.g., a browser plugin that combats COVID related misinformation) are accepted.

Further information available at: